For Existing Foster Carers

At Skylark Fostering, we appreciate foster carers may choose to transfer to another Agency for a whole range of reasons. However, once having made that decision, they want the process to be managed efficiently, with sensitivity and as speedily as possible. Remaining at an Agency during a process that rolls on for weeks or months is inevitably stressful and unsettling. If fostered children are part of the household, this can impact upon them also.

We therefore fully understand the importance of a smooth transition for experienced foster carers joining our community. That's why we've partnered with 3FT (Fast Foster Family Transfers). This specialist organisation facilitate seamless transfers of foster families to new agencies. Our collaboration ensures that transitions to Skylark are handled with the utmost care and professionalism, minimising disruption for both carers and children.

You can transfer to us in as little as 28 days.

Helping good foster families to transfer between services quickly and easily, to be wherever they feel is a good fit for them... so they can be the best version of themselves, to provide their best care for the kids they foster.